Dude, this “working full time” thing really sucks.

So for the last five or however many years, when I filed my taxes, I got a pretty hefty return. This was mostly because my witholding has always been set to the regular rate but until recently I didn’t actually work all that much except during the summer (college being what it is).


In 2002, I worked my heinie off pretty much full time all year. I did my taxes last night and discovered that my refund from the feds is just enough to cover all but about two dollars of the money I owe the state.

How lame is that? *sigh*

It could be worse, though. At least my taxes are simple. I don’t have to file a Schedule C or anything (one of my friends has to file two, yikes). I got to deduce the interest on my student loans, and that was the most exciting thing, really.

My goal is now to get a single job at one company and to live in a hole in the ground the rest of the time, thus simplifying my taxes slightly and preventing them from ever getting truly horrendous.

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