Marn is cool.

Marn rocks. She is hella funny and writes cool stuff in her diary and everything.

I on the other hand, am lame because I promised to make her a mix cd ages ago and still haven’t. Why? Because I am constantly coming up with “dood, I should put this song on the cd!” ideas – and the songs are invariably off albums I haven’t ripped into MP3 format yet. And my MP3 ripper interferes with my modem so I can’t reliably be online and rip at the same time.

Oh, and that pesky “working 50-60 hours/week” thing I’ve had going on.

Marn, if you’re still reading my blog occasionally and haven’t given up in disgust and despair, I swear, I’m gonna get that cd to you. If only because I’m getting really jealous of all the folks who’ve sent theirs in already and get kudos in your diary. :-)

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