PromoGuy’s Monday Mission 3.14

This week’s Monday Mission, a little late.

1. Would you rather impress or influence others? Why? Which do you tend to do more than the other?
Hm… hard to say. Probably impress. I don’t have enough faith in my own judgement to want to influence people.

2. Are you able to admit your weaknesses to others? How do you handle your weaknesses (Can you accept them and see them as a strength? (Do you strive to overcome them? etc.)
Yep, that I am. I am all too aware of my own weaknesses, being a bit of a perfectionist. I’m okay at accepting them, but not at seeing them as strengths (if they were strengths, they would’t be weaknesses, would they?). I do try to overcome most of them. Well, the ones that I feel really need to be overcome, anyway. My weakness for sweets, for example. I’d like to continue to fit into my size 14s, you know? My fear of being vulnerable is another I’m working on. My almost pathological need to run my fingers through my hair? Not so much.

3. How do you react when you are bossed around, treated as inferior or taken advantage of?
Makes me either angry or really depressed and full of self-loathing, depending on the person, circumstances, my own mental state, etc.

4. Do you live your life to meet your own needs, or do you live to meet the needs of others? Why?
Um… some of both, probably. My emotional needs generally take a back seat because by shirking on them I get the things I really need (like food and shelter and a diet not consisting of stuff mooched from others). Pretty much everything else, though, I have a tendency to put others first, if only because I don’t value my own needs very highly.

5. This is your Mission on Mondays, but what is your mission in life?
To find a way to support myself (read: own property, eat decently, and get a better car) by writing.

6. Can you focus on your goals and achieve them, or are you sidetracked by minor distractions along the way?
I get sidetracked easily. My willpower is… yeah. Not so good.

7. When was the last time you cried?
About a week ago.

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