Wednesday Whatevers

Memes, memes, the magical fruit… wait, that’s not right. :)
Wednesday Whatevers.

  1. If you were to commit suicide, how would you do it?
    Probably pills. Although the idea of slitting my wrists has long had quite a bit of appeal, being traditional and all (the Romans were big on it, I understand), I’ve always thought the pain would be a downer. Pills at least don’t hurt.

  2. What is your best stress reliever?
    A long, hot bath with lots of girly bath salts and oils and things in it.

  3. How do you feel about jokes bashing the opposite sex?
    Conflicted. On the one hand, I find them hilarious. On the other hand, I know that jokes about women often offend me, so I feel bad that I find guy jokes so funny.
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