Remind me never to move to Ohio.

Ohio Moves to Prohibit Gay Unions (Mercury News)

The Ohio measure, which also would bar state agencies from giving benefits to gay and heterosexual domestic partners, would make Ohio the 38th state to prohibit the recognition of same-sex unions.

Wow. So let’s NOT ONLY prohibit gays from marrying but also keep ’em from getting any kind of partner benefits. I personally think the fact that unwed heteros lose bennies too is a sham. THis is outrageous. To make laws about marriage based on facts about the people getting married is horrendous. Didn’t it used to be illegal for people to marry unless they were of the same race? So now, you can marry whatever race you want, but not whatever gender you want?
There are times I want to hold my head in my hands and cry. Either that or scream.
And I’m straight.
I just keep reminding myself that right won out eventually against the segregation laws of the past, it’ll win out eventually against the new ones. But I hate that it has to win out at all. I really wish I could just live in a country that was more enlightened and less full of religious-minded pettiness.

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