Oooo, busted!

There’s a petition being circulated by to pressure Congress to censure the President for leading the citizens of the US to believe Saddam posed more of a threat than he did.
I signed it.
If you agree, you should too.

Was Saddam a bad man? Unquestionably.
Was he tied with Al Quaeda? Doesn’t look like it.
But the President did his level best to make the average US citizen think Saddam and Osama bin Laden were pals so he could go in with guns blazin’ and pick up where his daddy left off.
Personally, I think it was a mistake – as a citizen of a country founded by revolutionaries, I think citizens should do their own regime changing. I think that other countries going in and playing god is a big mistake. Yes, that was me cheering when James Cromwell’s character on the West Wing said basically that same thing.
Bush told us fibs and tried to make us think things that weren’t true. He should get in trouble. I mean, hell, if Congress can bitch out Clinton for fibbing about his sex life, I think they can damn well censure Bush for lying about international politics.

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