PromoGuy’s Monday Mission 3.49

This week’s Monday Mission.

Sadly, it looks like Jan 5 will see the end of the Monday Mission. I am deeply bummed, but can understand why Promoguy is calling it quits. I’m thinking of volunteering to do a month of MM questions in case he gets enough volunteers to do another year of it.

  1. Do you have any vacation time from work saved up for the Holidays? Or are you taking any time off or traveling this month? What are your plans?
    As a teacher/tutor, I get two weeks off around Christmas/New Year. I’m spending seven of those days down in Calico, camping with my family. Yes, we’re camping in the desert in winter. We are insane. We know this.

  2. When do you do most of your blogging? During the day, at work, at home, at night?
    Whenever I can. :) My schedule is so far from being a routine that I really can’t say I have normal times to blog. And, of course, for the last month I haven’t been able to blog at all.

  3. What tends to keep you from blogging more? Or could it be that you blog too much and should do less?
    Lack of time to blog keeps me from blogging. Recently, my webhost hanging me out to dry has kept me from blogging. (I’ll be updating about that shortly, too.)

  4. Do you like dressing up and/or “role playing?”
    Yep. I don’t do Live Action Role Playing (LARP), but I’m in the SCA.

  5. When choosing a mate, there are some things you can overlook (boob size, hairy backs, beer belly, bad teeth, hair lip, etc.) and some things you just can’t (see previous list). What are some of thing things you can live with when picking your partner, and what are the things that are a “must have?”
    Hm… Things I can live with: snoring (as long as they’re good natured when I poke them to make them stop), minor gross habits, weight issues (provided they aren’t health-threatening). Things I can’t: no sense of humor, cruelty, stupidity.

  6. My neck and back are in a constant state of tension. In fact, on the rare occasion that someone gives me a neck/back-rub, I am so tense that it hurts when they work out the kinks. I am just more used to being tense than not. I think I need help. Have you ever had a professional massage or ever been to a Chiropractor?
    Never had a professional massage, but I have seen a chiropractor. He was great, really helped my back when I messed it up by working out too hard.

  7. Inspired by the Amazing P3nis Patch…. Does size really matter? Yeah you know exactly what I mean too. Men, what have you been told and what do you know to be true? Girls, what is the real story and is that what you tell the guys? Have you ever been scared of one that was too big? For both: why do you think this debate is still going on?
    Oy, veh. The old classic. Within a certain range, no, size doesn’t matter. But the ends of the bell curve are problematic, yes. Way too big or way too small are both bad, in different ways. Or at least I’d expect they are, I haven’t had experience with either. And this is what I tell guys who ask, too.
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